Saturday, June 19, 2010

Vemma Builder Vs Old School MLM Recruiting

By Shola Abitogun

Well I can disclose to you now, Vemma is legit. Will you succeed with them? Well that depends on a lot of factors including vemmabuilder. Firstly, what types of product is Vemma selling and are they sell-able? Their drink is Vemma's eirchief product. Vemma is an acronym for Vitamins, Essential Minerals, Mangosteen and Aloe. The major ingredient is Mangosteen. They claimed it can clean up human system from dirt. It also lowers the risk of diseases. Asian health practitioners have been using Mangosteen for a while. They also make Vemma NEXT. This is for the little kids. An energy drink was launched in 2007. Considering the state of world now and the daily increase in health awareness, I believe the market for these products is good.

You should take into consideration the leadership and management of these company before you join them. The parent company for them is New Vision which is well known for health related products. They have grossed well over $900 million of sales and have been in business for a very long time.

The effectiveness of their training system should be a big factor that you should consider before you join them. This is the part in my judgment where 99% of MLM companies fall short. The greatness of the company's leadership and product is irrelevant. A proper training is essential for the distributors to be successful. Even though they set up Vemma builder, this doesn't make a difference in my opinion. To their credit, the company is including Facebook and twitter in their training system. Simply transferring the Old School method on the internet will not cut it.

Their representatives are not utilizing an effective online MLM lead generation system . This is very essential if you want to move up the the ladder fast and make a lot of money in a very short period of time. We are in the information and internet age. What are you using to leverage this? Send your piquing video or audio file to you friends on Facebook or twitter simply shows desperation in my opinion.

You need prospects in this company or any network marketing company to talk to if you want to make money. Organizing parties, or doing 3 feet rule or the hotel meetings to generate these leads, you simply do not have enough hours in a week to talk to enough people to succeed. You need an Online MLM lead generation system in place. Some of our Vemma partners that we are currently working with are using this system to explode their business.

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