Movie Overview
'Decent Parties' has as the central character Sudheendran, who is a photographer by profession and who runs a photo-studio named Padma Studio, named after his mother. In the meantime Sudheendran gets a chance in films as an assistant cameraman, with help from his friend Rafeeque, who is a production executive in films. In the meantime it's learnt that Sudheendran has a talent in script-writing. However, Sudheendran somehow gets into trouble, and with that things take a new turn. It's the dreams of this photographer-turned-assistant cameraman that forms the plot of 'Decent Parties'.
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'Decent Parties' has as the central character Sudheendran, who is a photographer by profession and who runs a photo-studio named Padma Studio, named after his mother. In the meantime Sudheendran gets a chance in films as an assistant cameraman, with help from his friend Rafeeque, who is a production executive in films. In the meantime it's learnt that Sudheendran has a talent in script-writing. However, Sudheendran somehow gets into trouble, and with that things take a new turn. It's the dreams of this photographer-turned-assistant cameraman that forms the plot of 'Decent Parties'.
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